Accommodation rates vary from approximately $110 - $350 depending on shared or private facilities, self catering or fullboard, location and other factors. Rented accommodations inlcude flatettes (bachelor flats), flats/units/apartments, or houses.
Public Transport
Sydney's public transport system provides bus, train and ferry services. You can get timetable and route information by calling 13 15 00. You can buy TravelTen tickets (for multiple trips by bus) or TravelPass (for bus/train/ferry travel).
Estimated weekly cost in Sydney
Rent on-campus $210 upwards , rent off-campus $110 upwards, gas & electricity $15, telephone $20 estimate, food & groceries $100, medical $50, transport $25-$40, and stationery $10-$20.
Banking and Finances
You will need to open an account to keep your money safely in Australia. An account which utilises the ATM is the most convenient type of account. Credit cards accepterd in Australia include Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Diners Card.
The costs of setting up phone in a household can vary. By public telephones a local call cost 40 cents, but emergency call are free and are made by dialling 000. There are also various phonecards for several different purposes.
Recreation in Sydney
Sydney offers a great variety of activities and facilities for you to enjoy including art galleries, museums, cinemas, theatres and sport. For more specific events, you can consult one of the daily newspapers such as the Sydney Morning Herald.